I am an Introvert.
I am an American, but not.
To understand who I am, why I am the way I am (something I am still trying to figure out myself), I need to give you some back story. I am me, a 24 year old, male. I went to college; I was in a fraternity. I did everything I thought I was supposed to. I gave it the old “college try”. It wasn’t worth it (I’ll discuss this more in a future post).
When I was 3 ½ years old, my family relocated from blood red Dallas, Texas; to Stockholm, Sweden where I would find a love for Ice Hockey and getting struck with nostalgia every time I step foot inside of an IKEA. Then, 8 ½ years later, we were uprooted again and made a smaller jump down south to Munich, Germany. This would end up being the place that began forming me into who and what I am today.
I spent almost the entirety of my middle and high school career on one campus, trying to fit in. I was in a musical, played basketball, did track and played volleyball. I got to travel and meet people from all over Europe, from London to Budapest. I was a “nomad” as someone once said, going from one friend group to another for most of my high school life. So much so, that in the end, I was basically alone.
I wasn’t always an introvert, but I am now, and I don’t know why.
Now to get into a little more about what this blog is going to be about. The title, Views from an Outsider; is going to be my outlet. I am a quiet person, with a lot to say and I think this is the easiest way for me to get my words out.
I’ll be speaking my opinion. I am not trying to please anyone; this is for my mental health. I'll cover a wide range of topics and won’t be mincing my words, so if you are easily offended, well I warned you.
Thanks for listening, or reading, I guess.
An Introvert.